The Committees of Advertising Practice not only write the ad rules, we're also committed to helping businesses stick to them. Alongside our AdviceOnline articles, CAP Bitesize, and our Copy Advice service, we also produce webinars to take a deeper look at certain parts of the advertising codes, and explore how businesses can ensure they are compliant.

On this page you'll find all of our CAP webinars, with our most recent at the top. The webinars cover some product-types, such as gambling, alcohol or CBD advertising, but they also look at more conceptual topics that apply to any and all products, like how to stick to the rules around harmful gender stereotyping. There should be something here for any advertiser to learn from the comfort of their own chair. If there's a topic you would like to see covered in a future webinar, get in touch at [email protected].

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Mastering Ad Disclosure in Podcasts

Discover the essentials of podcast ad disclosure in our webinar, "Mastering Ad Disclosure in Podcasts." With new guidance on host-read ads taking effect on 16 August 2024, this session covers the latest best practices and compliance requirements to ensure your ads are transparent and effective. Learn from our expert about navigating the complexities of podcast advertising and staying ahead with the latest regulations. Whether you're a podcaster, advertiser, or marketer, this webinar will provide valuable insights to enhance your knowledge and improve your advertising strategies.


Clearing the Air – Vape Ads and the Codes

On the 29 February 2024 we issued an enforcement notice on e-cigarettes. In this webinar we explain in more detail which media e-cigs are permitted to be advertised in, and the content that can or can’t be used in e-cig ads, as well as topics such as targeting restrictions for children and young people, and other Code rules which may be of interest.


Enhanced Disclosure Explained 

The Code says that all ads should be “obviously identifiable” as ads, but particular care needs to be taken with ads that target under-12s. Children in this age group find it particularly hard to recognise ads and tell them apart from non-commercial content. Because of this, there is a requirement for ads to contain “enhanced disclosure” that they are ads. In this session our experts explain the rules on enhanced disclosure so you better understand how to advertise to children responsibly, there is also a live Q&A at the end.


Guidance on subscription traps 

Free trials and promotions can be a good way to showcase subscription plans but marketers need to be upfront about what consumers are signing up to. This webinar sheds light on how to make sure subscription promotions stick to the rules.


Guidance on mid-contract price rises in telecoms ads 

In June 2023, CAP and BCAP announced new guidance on the presentation of mid-contract price increases in telecoms ads which comes into effect in December 2023. The guidance requires mid-contract price rises to be more prominently stated in telecoms advertising across all media, learn how these changes may impact your upcoming campaigns. 


New 'strong' appeal rules - Gambling and Lotteries

In April, CAP and BCAP published the outcome of their consultation on new rules on the content of gambling and lotteries ads. From October 2022, content of ‘strong’ appeal to under-18s will be prohibited as the scope of the restrictions on creative content are extended. Join Andy from our Regulatory Policy team to find out more about how the new rules will be applied. 


 Racial and Ethnic Stereotyping in Advertising- Research Findings

Join our experts Kam and Lade as they guide you through the findings from our Racial and Ethnic Stereotyping in Advertising project.


 Online targeting of age-restricted ads

If you’re involved in the online targeting of ads for alcohol, gambling, or high fat, salt or sugar products, this webinar is for you. Hear from our experts Shahriar and Conor on the rules banning the targeting of under-18 audiences and the practical lessons arising from ASA monitoring activities published in 2021.



Weeding out the problems of CBD advertising

This webinar looks at cannabidiol products and what you can or can't say in your ads for them.


Influencer marketing

Are you an influencer looking to understand when you should label your posts, and what labels you should use? We've got you covered.


Influencer Marketing - targeting ads

Once you've got the overview of the rules that apply to influencer marketing, be sure to check out our guide to ad targeting! 


The rules banning harmful gender stereotypes in ads

There are plenty of benign stereotypes that are used in ads all the time, helping people to quickly identify what kind of person is being portrayed in an ad. But some stereotypes have been shown to be harmful, limiting aspirations, encoding biases and contributing to wider social issues. This webinar explores the recently implemented rules around banning harmful gender stereotypes.



Travel marketing - making pricing clear

The ASA receives a lot of complaints about pricing issues when it comes to travel ads. With the prevalence of price comparison sites, aggregators, dynamic advertising and rapidly changing prices due to demand pressures, sometimes pricing can be tricky for consumers to navigate. This webinar sets out how to make sure your travel ads are sticking to the rules.


Electronic cigarettes ('vapes') and health claims

There are quite a few dos-and-don'ts around advertising e-cigarettes, due to their inherent risks and the fact they are still a relatively nascent technology. But never fear, this webinar will make sure your marketing plans don't go up in smoke.


Promotional Marketing: running compliant competitions

Each year the ASA steps in to resolve thousands of disputes around poorly-run competitions and give-aways. This webinar gives you an overview of what you need to do to make sure that every competition you run is a real winner. If you want a more in-depth breakdown of how to run prize promotions, competitions and giveaways, you should also check out our CAP Bitesize series.


Advice on advertising chiropractic services

People offering any medical service need to be careful about what they say in their ads. In this webinar, we explore the rules around backing up efficacy claims, when it's ok to target specific customers and the use of testimonials.


Ad placement in non-broadcast media

Back in 2017, CAP produced some new guidance around the placement of ads in non-broadcast media - this webinar unpicks that guidance and what it means for advertisers.


Advertising related to Coronavirus

This webinar looks at advertising related to covid-19 or the coronavirus. Join Janet as she looks at the rules and how they apply to the on-going coronavirus situation, and sets out what advertisers need to be wary of when promoting products such as face masks or hand sanitisers.


Influencers and ad targeting 

Here we join Justin for a look at the rules around ad targeting and specifically how they apply to online influencers and celebrities.


Influencers - the content of your ads

During this session of our Influencer Marketing webinar series we will be focus on content itself. We provide an overview of some of the areas where influencers should take particular care to stick to the rules, including when to support claims with evidence (e.g. health claims, references to beauty products, weight-loss regimes) and how influencers can run competitions in a fair and clear way.


Subscription traps

Join Emily and Rumneet for a look at the rules around 'subscription traps'. That's when a person signs up to an automatically renewing subscription that's tricky to cancel, or misleadingly presented. 


Prescription-only medicines and the ad rules 

The rules relating to the promotion of prescription-only medicines (POMs) are strict. In this webinar we explain what the rules mean in practice and the ways you can advertise your service - not the POMs - without breaking the rules or the law. We will be illustrating this through case studies relating to the weight-loss category.


Social media filters

Filters are increasingly being used by advertisers and influencers to show their products or services in the best light. But as with any image editing in advertising, there's a point where touching up images becomes misleading. This webinar explores social media filters in light of the ad rules.