Molly-Mae Hague t/a mollymaehague
An Instagram post by influencer Molly Mae Hague promoting a prize draw broke the CAP Code as there was no evidence that the prize was awarded in accordance with the laws of chance or under the supervision of an independent person.
Prettylittlething.com Ltd t/a Prettylittlething.com
An Instagram story on Molly-Mae Hague’s account did not make clear and upfront the commercial intent behind it and was not obviously identifiable as an ad.
Molly Maison
A promotion in a story post and a post on Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury’s Instagram account was not administered fairly.
Associated Newspapers Ltd t/a MailOnline
Articles on MailOnline that featured affiliated advertising links were not obviously identifiable as ads.
Our rulings are published every Wednesday and set out on the public record how, following a formal investigation, the advertising rules apply and where we draw the line in judging whether an ad has broken the rules. We also publish a list of companies and organisations which agree to amend or withdraw their ad without being subject to a formal ruling.
Rulings (4)