In November 2021, the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) announced new targeting restrictions that prohibit cosmetic interventions advertising from being directed at under-18s.
Following a 6-month grace period, the new rules come into force today:
CAP Code Section 12
12.25 Marketing communications for cosmetic interventions must not be directed at those aged below 18 years through the selection of media or context in which they appear. Cosmetic interventions mean any intervention, procedure or treatment carried out with the primary objective of changing an aspect of a consumer’s physical appearance. This includes surgical and non-surgical interventions, both invasive and non-invasive. This does not include cosmetic products as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. See Advertising Guidance: Cosmetic Interventions.
BCAP Code Section 32
32.2 These may not be advertised in or adjacent to programmes commissioned for, principally directed at or likely to appeal particularly to audiences below the age of 18:
32.2.9 Cosmetic interventions. Cosmetic interventions mean any intervention, procedure or treatment carried out with the primary objective of changing an aspect of a consumer’s physical appearance. This includes surgical and non-surgical interventions, both invasive and non-invasive. This does not include cosmetic products as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. See Advertising Guidance: Cosmetic Interventions.
The Advertising Guidance on Cosmetic Interventions sets out the principles relating to the targeting restrictions which the Advertising Standards Authority will apply. It also contains a non-exhaustive list of examples of treatments and procedures that are likely to fall within the scope of “cosmetic interventions” to which the new restrictions would apply.
For more information about CAP and BCAP’s decision to introduce the new rules, please refer to their Regulatory Statement and Evaluation of Consultation Responses.
Due to technical issues, our current UK Advertising Codes webpages have not been updated to include the new rules. Please refer to the updated PDF documents for CAP Code Section 12 and BCAP Code Section 32 for the new rules. We will incorporate the new rules in the Advertising Codes webpages as soon as possible.
For advice related to specific non-broadcast marketing, please contact CAP’s Copy Advice team.
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