CAP and BCAP are consulting on proposals to introduce new rules for the advertising of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). CAP and BCAP consider that new rules are required to address growing public concern about the now widespread advertising of these products. BCAP specifically considers that a new approach is required to deal with the unintended consequences of ads for e-cigarettes falling foul of the broad tobacco prohibitions written in the BCAP Code. The Committees have prepared specific rules, drawing on principles that in their experience have been appropriate when regulating sectors that present similar societal concerns, particularly in relation to the protection of children and young persons. However they recognise that some respondents may consider that the nature of this product, sector and the accompanying public health concerns necessitate further or different restrictions.
CAP and BCAP subsequently published the new rules in October 2014, with them taking effect on 10 November 2014. The rules place an emphasis on the protection of young people and ads must avoid containing anything that promotes the use of a tobacco product or that shows the use of a tobacco product in a positive light.
Supporting documents:
CAP and BCAP consultation E-cigarette CAP rules.pdfCAP and BCAP consultation E-cigarette BCAP rules.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation evaluation of responses.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses A to B.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses C to D.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses G to H.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses I to L.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses M to N.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses P.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses R.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses S.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses T.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation responses U to Z.pdf
CAP and BCAP e-cigarette consultation private indivdual responses.pdf
CAP and BCAP consultation on the marketing of e-cigarettes.pdf