81 result(s)
  • Official endorsements

    • Advice online

    connection with the NHS because the “.com” suffix made clear that it was for a commercial … connected to the NHS and, because it was not, the use of the website address in the ad was misleading and … against a drinks manufacturer for misleadingly referring to the NHS. The ASA considered that the claim

  • Imitation

    • Advice online

    -Media.com, 21 November 2012). The ASA has also held that using “NHS” in the product name … as standard by the NHS (lookersgirl, 16 November 2011). Placing the company name or logo in a

  • Post-conception advice services consultation and regulatory statement (BCAP)

    • Consultations

    appropriate local authority or NHS approval. BCAP noted that non NHS-accredited organisations might not

  • Mobile phones and radiation

    • Advice online

    Board issued an updated statement reasserting that conclusion. In 2011, the NHS published a … between the ages of 9 and 11.  However, in 2011 the NHS reiterated advice from the UK’s … set out in the NHS leaflet noted above. UKHSA Guidance (last updated in February 2020) also advises

  • Fear and distress

    • Advice online

    health insurance that stated "There are more patients for the NHS to treat than ever before, and … conditions and also included absolute claims about the NHS such as “the system is at breaking point … ” and “The NHS is struggling” without providing further detail or explanation the ad

  • Hand sanitisers and face masks

    • Advice online

    will not have an impact on the NHS supply chain.  Whilst we understand the intention of such … claims may be to reassure consumers that the products are not the same as those used by the NHS and … would therefore not prevent the NHS from receiving vital equipment, depending on presentation, such

  • ASA Council

    • Webpage

    Director of NHS Lothian Health Board and a Member of two Integration Joint Boards (Edinburgh and East … of NHS dentistry in Edinburgh and prior to that, Elizabeth was a Solicitor in a leading Scottish law

  • FL19 CIC t/a Frontline 19

    • Ruling
    • Not upheld
    • 17 July 2024

    A cinema ad for Frontline19, a support service for NHS and frontline workers, seen April 2024 … , featured scenes of NHS workers in various states of distress, including a doctor delivering bad news … ;With over half suffering from poor mental health many NHS workers are sicker than the patients

    organisation that offered a free, independent, confidential service to help frontline NHS workers seek … provided statistics to show the level of mental health concerns impacting NHS workers and frontline … reality NHS workers faced when they went to work. They said the reference to suicide was also

  • 10 Prohibited categories

    • Broadcast code

    Medical Devices Regulations 2002.“National public health bodies” means Public Health England, NHS Health … Regulations 2002.A “stop smoking service” means a service commissioned by a local authority or the NHS

  • Coronavirus and COVID-19

    • Advice online

    purchase of the advertised face-mask/face-covering products will not have an impact on the NHS … the products are not the same as those used by the NHS and would therefore not prevent the NHS from … were of a type that were certified suitable for NHS use but had been sourced separately, which is

  • BetterHelp, Inc t/a BetterHelp.com

    • Ruling
    • Upheld
    • 10 August 2022

    Health Service (NHS) therapy for mental health conditions was up to 12 months; and 2. was … support from the NHS. BetterHelp, Inc. explained that the ad had been shown on Facebook in the UK … . BetterHelp said the ad made no direct reference to the NHS, and that as it had been used in several

  • New ad rules on unplanned pregnancy advice

    • CAP News

    women for a termination to make that fact clear in their advertisements. Drawing on NHS guidance

  • Food: 5 A DAY claims

    • Advice online

    A DAY'). Information on what constitutes a portion can be found on the NHS Choices website

  • Health: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

    • Advice online

    light between 3,000 and 10,000 lux.  However, since that time the NHS has published its

  • Health: Phototherapy

    • Advice online

    NHS has published its own advice on treatments for SAD, suggesting there was mixed evidence with

  • Pelham Health Ltd

    • Ruling
    • Upheld
    • 09 November 2022

    ;Advertorial”. Text stated “There has been a 55% increase in people waiting for NHS surgery … for the NHS to treat than ever before, and the system is at breaking point. This means you simply can … , you might be fine, but what if you become seriously ill in three months? Will the NHS be able

    the public, challenged whether the claims in ad (b) that the NHS could not quickly provide treatment … ) included various claims that the NHS could not provide medical care or a treatment for serious … the present, you might be fine, but what if you become seriously ill in three months? Will the NHS be

  • Our experts

    • Webpage

    of Allergy at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, the … and Radiation Head of Radiation and Laser Safety at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS … Commission). He is Head of Radiation and Laser Safety at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS

  • Mommy n Toys

    • Ruling
    • Upheld
    • 10 July 2024

    The ASA understood that babies whose heads were covered were at an increased risk of SUDI. NHS … , which were advised against by the NHS Guidance for babies. Because the ad implied that anti … -roll pillows could be used for sleeping babies, which contravened NHS Guidance on the dangers of using

  • The Chrysalis Effect Ltd

    • Ruling
    • Upheld
    • 06 September 2023

    Effect, delivered a specialist service for the National Health Service (NHS), supporting people who … central to NHS services and pathways, and gave several examples of trusts using the term in relation … to ME/CFS. They said the NHS had recognised that the service offered by the NHS to ME/CFS patients

  • Nike (UK) Ltd

    • Ruling
    • Not upheld
    • 02 June 2021

    taking part in their usual activities and levels of exertion, which was in line with NHS Guidance … continue exercising while pregnant, safely and responsibly in line with the NHS guidelines. There … restricted blood flow which was not advisable for pregnant women. Clearcast referred to the NHS