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  • Remit: Advergames

    • Advice online

    transfer of goods, services, opportunities and gifts (See ‘Remit: Own websites’). To date … online remit, a football game on Mousebreaker, a free games website, which re-directed players to a … remit because the ASA understood that the advertiser had paid for the link and it was therefore

  • Remit: General

    • Advice online

    detail in full all of the types of marketing that the Code covers so this advice and other related remit … takes a pragmatic approach about what is and is not within its remit, but the question of whether … third-party advertisers, the ASA might consider those ads in remit. For example, if a train company

  • Remit: Sponsorship

    • Advice online

    Trading Standards.  See also ‘Remit: General’.

  • Remit: Viral advertising

    • Advice online

    offend. Since the ASA’s remit was extended to include advertising on a company’s own … explicitly covered by the CAP Code in any event (See ‘Remit: Own websites’ and … ‘Remit: Social media’). As an example, a website headed “STOP the BROADBAND CON!” that

  • Remit: Products and packaging

    • Advice online

    presentation of the ‘pack shot’ and any claims that are visible will fall within remit … were considered to have been drawn into the remit of the Code by virtue of them being advertised in … ” included in product listing on the Amazon website was also considered to be within the remit of

  • Remit: Advertisement features

    • Advice online

    The ASA regulates many different types of advertising, both online and offline (see ‘Remit … ‘controlled’ by a marketer, the ASA considers it within their remit and the CAP Code in its entirety … remember that consumer protection legislation ranges wider than activities which fall within the remit of

  • Remit: Social media

    • Advice online

    remember that the CAP Code necessarily excludes material in ‘foreign media’ (See ‘Remit … Code. Further guidance on this can be found in our advice on ‘Remit: Advertisement features … March 2023).  Further guidance on this can be found in our advice on ‘Remit: Own

  • Remit: Country of origin

    • Advice online

    and consumers in multiple countries, not all online ads will fall within the ASA’s remit … unable to take action What types of online ads are in the ASA’s remit? Non-paid-for … ASA’s remit, explained below.) When assessing whether ads in non-paid-for spaces are regulated

  • Remit: Own websites

    • Advice online

    -paid-for space online under their control (See ‘Remit: Social media’), but this … material in ‘foreign media’ (See ‘Remit: Country of origin’). Aside from … direct solicitation of donations. ASA rulings don’t often examine issues of remit in any

  • Remit: Point of sale

    • Advice online

    ’ board continually parked in a field), the ASA could potentially consider it within remit … advertisers, the ASA might consider those ads in remit. For example, if a train company places their … , carrier bags and business cards remain within the scope of the Code. See also ‘Remit: General

  • Remit: Private correspondence

    • Advice online

    also ‘Remit: General’ Updated 5 December 2016

  • Remit: Press releases and PR

    • Advice online

    of the Code, then that material will likely be covered by the Code. See also ‘Remit: General’ & ‘Remit: Own websites’

  • Remit: Official notices or information

    • Advice online

    are not already receiving, remain within remit whether in ‘paid for advertising space … direct solicitation of donations (see ‘Remit: Cause or idea marketing’). See also … ‘Remit: General’ & ‘Remit: Own websites’ Updated 5 December 2016

  • Remit: Cause or idea marketing

    • Advice online

    “Political Advertising”). Such communications would be brought back within the remit of the Code … page would not necessarily bring an entire website within the remit of the Code. It would very much … , services, opportunities or gifts (see 'Remit: Own websites'). A website which sought to raise

  • Remit: Search engines and price comparison websites

    • Advice online

    provide could potentially be considered within remit (See ‘Remit: Own websites’). Updated 28 September 2016

  • Remit: Classified ads and third party retail platforms

    • Advice online

    provide to advertisers, or indeed to consumers, are likely to be considered within remit (see ‘Remit: Own websites’). Updated 07 June 2024

  • Remit: Video on demand (VOD) and music streaming services

    • Advice online

    (e.g. sponsorship 'idents') is likewise regulated by Ofcom. See also ‘Remit

  • Remit: Health-related claims addressed to medical practitioners

    • Advice online

    medicine are likely to be considered outside of the ASA’s remit. However, a price comparison made … would therefore be considered within remit. On the other hand, claims in an ad in ‘New